Wednesday 26 March 2008

'Fitna' the movie See It Here...NOW (UPDATE)

(UPDATE) The previous link to the film at was removed earlier today (29/03/08). Allah's favourite prophet would like it to be known that he in no way blames for removing the video as this was due to many death threats received from Muslims aimed at members of's staff.'s message clearly shows how disappointed they were at having to take the decision to remove the film. The above link is obviously at risk of being removed from for the same reason. I have managed to obtain a copy of the film and shall post it online at on Sunday 29th March 2008 for anybody to view or download. (END OF UPDATE).

Geert Wilders' attempt to show his movie 'Fitna' online has come across yet another obstacle.

The domain was registered with and hosted by Under their terms and conditions, it is prohibited to transmit, distribute, upload, post or store any material that is... "obscene, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, constitutes an illegal threat...etc". We understand that Mr Wilders breached the above terms and conditions because his film showed extracts from the Koran. The Koran is widely recognised as being very good toilet paper but otherwise totally useless (unless you're a 1st year terror student).

We hope that ALL other web hosting providers will now ban ALL websites that contain any passages from the Koran.

This post has been rewritten by Allah's favourite prophet as it was previously not very well wroted.

Please feel free to email your comments to


Anonymous said...

Nice one....just think, an internet without the quran...PARADISE!

Anonymous said...

It's been released. 1.12M viewers of the English version alone on
Dutch bust falling over themselves to apologise, RoP'ers seething, Friday prayers tomorrow...
The film is pretty tame, and could've done more. Lots of 9/11 imagery, beheadings, Immans threatening to kill all infidels and the corresponding Qurainc quotes.
Good job Mr. Wilders. You have massive balls.

hellosnackbar said...

At last "fitna".
Not a word from Wilders he let the brain damaged do it all for him.(he could have made it 3hours long if he'd used all the material available.
Bit there's beauty in seeing the death cultists shove their dirty feet down their own vile throats.
Of course there are protesters suggesting that the truth(that the islamoturds spoke)was once again "taken out of context"surely the sine qua non for cognitive dissonance.
To contributors to this holy site we've seen most of the material before meaning:preaching to the converted.
BUT with all the pre -release publicity and the predictable outrage from our muslim chums.
There is bound to be a lot more people aware of the cultural threat that the so called ROP represents.
I am chuckling at another expected
"own goal" from the religion of the damned.
A glass of fresh camel piss be raised.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a bit sensationalist and main stream but maybe that's the intention. I think it was a mistake to include the references to the bombings in NY, Madrid and London. There isn't any evidence linking Islam to those events.

I totally agree with his message though, why should we be tolerant of this primitive, barbaric and hateful ideology? If you wanna live in the 7th century go live in Sudan or some other shithole country run by idiots...

Anonymous said...

As Allah, I must say that the Quran was not interpreted correctly. If you read any 3rd line in each Surah, you'll understand I do approve of gay sex, Oh, pardon me, sex between men and women (and many of 'em....)

Love and Kisses
Your totally ungay and not-in-denial God,

Anonymous said...

Here is full movie can be downloaded -