Monday 21 April 2008

Islamic schools lure boys into begging

If a Muslim knocks on your door and offers to take your 7 year old son away to educate him it's probably a good idea to say 'no thank you'. Every year in Senegal, thousands of parents send their sons to be educated by Islamic religious leaders. Unfortunately, the vast majority end up begging on the streets of the capital under the cover of the death cult we all know and love called Islam.

In the name of religion, most of these boys spend two hours a day memorizing verses from the Quran and over nine hours begging to line the pockets of the man they call teacher.

And what happens to children who fail to meet their daily quotas? They are stripped and doused in cold water. The older boys pick them up like hammocks by their ankles and wrists The teacher then whips them with an electrical cord until the cord breaks their skin.

Read the full story of Islam's Love For Children.


Anonymous said...

Two hours memorising the Islamic Terror Manual/Qur'an each day? Oh, the inhumanity.
Jesus, this is from the Guardian. And they used the I-word. Not even they are trying to whitewash Islam anymore.

bernie said...

Just FYI I linked to your article from Begging for Islam