Saturday 3 May 2008

Ken's Reign Of Terror Ends

Terrorist support groups such as the MCB and the MAB were in mourning this morning (hey, that rhymes) as Jew-hating Ken Livingstone was kicked out of the post of Mayor of London. Votors had finally had enough of the man who wined and dined leaders of proscribed Islamic terror groups including Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Some of the Mayor's more vocal supporters even included suicide bomber apologists such as Azzam Tamimi, a man who praised “martyrdom” saying: “If I can go to Palestine and sacrifice myself I would do it” (Well I'm not stopping you).

Ken's final desparate attempt to win the Islamonazi vote was to claim that new mayor, Boris Johnson would ban the koran. Although this was unfortunately a lie, votors actually believed him and turned to Boris in their thousands. It's thought this provided the extra votes needed to oust London's Fascist dictator and consign him to the history books of hypocricy where he belongs.

Allah has asked me to congratulate Mayor Boris Johnson and the good people of London who have taken the first step in the fight against the Dark Side.

Vive La Revolution!


Anonymous said...

Allah be praised for allowing such a result :o)

Anonymous said...

Praise be to me. I bless thee Johnson not to be gang raped by camels, and to be victorious.... Blah blah blah.

(Mo, what made you think I allowed him to win due to my warm heart?
It was only because he made a deal with me that each week I'll have a batch of muslim virgins sent to heaven to fulfill my desires... No, pardon me, the virgin's unfulfilled desires. BTW, cumm here, I'm filling horny)

Your completely ungay and totally-not-in-denial-god,

Anonymous said...

YEY BORIS! Boris may be a buffoon, but at least he's not a communist one.

Bloody good news! Praise the Lord! Thank God! There is hope for Londonistan. What will Red Ken do next?


absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
elect a communist

someone who will work full-time
to destroy your country


Word-Drum said...

As an Obama suppoter, I am outraged at the last comment. It was probably a Clinton(racists)who wrote that. Barack dines and is friendly with "terrorists" (like Ken L.)but he's a nice looking guy and only wants change. When Bush is gone terrorism will end and everyone will love each other.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Boris came to the conclusion that Islam was seethingly evil many moons ago. the Muslims were livid at this exposure.

However, old Boris has a tendency to be wrapped around little fingers, and as London is seemingly made up of supremacist cliques I'm sure he'll be up and down like a yo-yo trying to please 'em all.

Wait and see for teh long term before proclaiming boris Johnson yet.

See for details of Islamic fury when shown up for what they are.