Friday 5 October 2007

Ban the Koran


Anonymous said...

Did you just call somebody a rascal? Jesus, that's cold man. You know how to insult people eh?

Anonymous said...

Banning the Koran is just as wrong as banning any other book. Books are to be read, not banned. The Koran, Q'ran, Quran or whatever other bloody silly name it goes under, should be read, examined, and finally shown up for the crock of shit it undoubtedly is. Besides, Korans are soft,strong and very absorbant and handy for mopping up little accidents my puppy makes. Just off for a bacon sandwich. (am I a rascal?)

Anonymous said...

I agree. I'm not signing that petition (and not just because online petitions are more worthless than the UN). It just gives further ammunition to the Islamists and their knack of playing the human rights/racism card against us. The only way Islam can maintain its 'Religion of Peace' fallacy is through ignorance. The more people are aware of what is actually contained within the Qur'an the less they'll be apprehensive about the biggest threat we've faced since the height of the Cold War. Though to be honest, how people can still be like this after the attrocities perpetrated in the name of Islam every second of every day, is beyond me.
So, rather than banning the Qur'an we should be making people aware of what it is.
Rascals of the world, unite!