Monday 12 November 2007

Burkha Bitches Blow Jobs

It was a funny old week last week, lots of things to blog about but I Was feeling a bit lazy and never got round to it. So here's a short recap....

We had a Muslim hairdresser who decided to sue the owner of a trendy salon for not giving her a job. The rather unattractive Bushra Noah had refused to remove her headcovering when cutting hair!...Not sure I'd be too happy sitting in a chair knowing that a covered, politicised Muslim with a sharp implement was standing behind me! The photo is an artist's impression of the hairy hairdresser at work!

Then we had the case of the 'lyrical terrorist'. The first woman in Britain to be found guilty of terrorist related offences. Samina Malik, a 23 year old ex-prostitute, wrote poetry whilst working at W H Smith in Heathrow with titles such as 'How To Behead'. A vast array of terror info was also found hidden under her bed amongst various sex toys. Her father (who is also believed to be her elder brother) is said to be extremely angry with his daughter/sister as he will no longer receive discounted copies of 'Al Qaeda Weekly' from WHS.


Fidothedog said...

So madam would that be just a bit off the top or the full Ken Bigley?

hellosnackbar said...

The real reason was that she couldn't speak "hairdo"

Mo said...

Image altered after divine intervention :o)