Sunday, 12 August 2007

Dutch porn star says Koran is worse than Mein Kampf!

At long last someone has called for the Quran to be banned. The irony is that the call has come from a politician in Europe's most liberal country! Dutch MP Geert Wilders may look like a well endowed seventies porn star but he obviously has a decent sized brain too under those flowing golden locks!

The call came after Esham Jami, a young Dutch politician who established a group to support people who have renounced Islam, was brutally attacked by a Muslim gang. Jami is now under police protection for daring to help Muslims who have left the teachings of the dark side. Wliders quoted several surahs from the Quran that called on Muslims to "oppress, persecute or kill Christians, Jews, dissidents and non-believers, to beat and rape women and to establish an Islamic state by force". He said Holland should "Ban this wretched book like Mein Kampf is banned! Send a signal to Jami's attackers and other Islamic radicals that the Quran cannot be used in the Netherlands as an inspiration or an excuse for violence."

On a personal note, I would like to add that it is inexcusable for anybody to mock Allah's favourite book. No such behavour will be tolerated on this blog!


Anonymous said...

Mein Kampf is legal here in Britain (it sells ~3,000 copies a year; wonder which demographic might be buying them...), but in the Netherlands, it's illegal and considered 'promoting hatred'. So I guess Mr. Jami has a valid point if you consider the Qur'an a terror and oppression manual with the aim of implementing an Islamic Caliphate by force, which it is.
I'm not a fan of book-banning; that's the kind of thing that happens in Middle Eastern countries, so even if there were a case for it here, it probably shouldn't happen. Instead we should pour a lot more money into counter-terrorism, prison-building and domestic and foreign intelligence. Those and keep a close eye on people going to and from Pakistan.
That guy has a very Walken-esque hair do too.

hellosnackbar said...

Whilst browsing in a local bookshop,
I came across a copy of the Koran among some books on terrorism.
How wonderfully apposite!

Anonymous said...

I had a beer with Teo van Gogh. I
knew him like every one in Holland
did. He had a TV show unlike anything in The States. The Dutch were pretty far out there. They are
changing and it's interesting to watch. Yet Ayaan Hirsi Ali had to split. There was some back and forth bombings of churhes and mosques. The youth lashing out with more than editorials. This dude is part of a growing distain for Islam in Europe. We're not all wimps.