Standing in (badly) for the brilliant Jon 'Gaunty' Gaunt on radio's talkSPORT he stated that if he had his way he would 'ban all dogs from Britain because they were a danger to the public and served no purpose'.
Egged on by emails/calls from several callers (most named Mohammed, Ali etc) he declared that he would attempt to introduce a Private Members' bill in the next session of Parliament. If successful, the bill would fulfill the Islamic dream of a 'dog-free' Britain. The reason for the radio 'discussion' was the horrific attack on a small child by a Staffordshire Bull Terrier this weekend. Galloway argued that if a ban saved just one child from suffering such injuries then it would be worth it.
Superb reasoning! But hang on a minute, there are over 3 times as many dogs in Britain than there are Muslims. Yet Muslims kill and maim more than 50 times more innocent men, women and children than dogs...maybe George should make a slight amendment to his proposed bill ;o)
Egged on by emails/calls from several callers (most named Mohammed, Ali etc) he declared that he would attempt to introduce a Private Members' bill in the next session of Parliament. If successful, the bill would fulfill the Islamic dream of a 'dog-free' Britain. The reason for the radio 'discussion' was the horrific attack on a small child by a Staffordshire Bull Terrier this weekend. Galloway argued that if a ban saved just one child from suffering such injuries then it would be worth it.
Superb reasoning! But hang on a minute, there are over 3 times as many dogs in Britain than there are Muslims. Yet Muslims kill and maim more than 50 times more innocent men, women and children than dogs...maybe George should make a slight amendment to his proposed bill ;o)
Where is the controversy about this issue? To my certain knowledge George has never pretended to be a dog..Big Brother fans will testify that he is a cat man through and through.
George has never felt the need to crawl on all fours howling at the moon or humping the odd trowser leg, his skills lie in crawling on all fours licking imaginary milk from the feet and fingers of mature ladies.
Is anyone therefore surprised that in his cat periods he wishes to ban all dogs from the UK, and the same for his Muslim periods,(both often merge)
I regard your post dear prophet as inflammatory, these small moustached idiosychracies of George Galloway are well documented and as such this post verges on an "ism".........I'm sure of that.
When I think of George Galloway, I am reminded of Lord Haw Haw. But instead of "Germany calling; Germany calling", I can imagine the treasonous weasel saying "Mecca calling; Mecca calling".
The sight of Galloway standing before Saddam Hussein, addressing him as "Sir", and pompously praising the murderous tyrant has to be one of the most cringe-worthy moments of the 20th Century.
Apart from being a pretentious bloated windbag, founder of the preposterous Islamist-Communist alliance party called "Respect" (though "Contempt" would be a more apposite name for it) Galloway is an idiot, a thief, a liar and most of all a traitor. The tower of London is where this traitor belongs.
Doesn't introducing a bill require turning up for work? Won't that take time away from making lucritive business deals with cruel and unusual dictators, sympathising with terrorist shitheads (Palestinians &c.) and generally being a racist dick?
Anyway, he can go fuck himself (once again). Dogs are awesome. Dogs are loyal, loving and excited by life. That's why Muslims don't like them. Thier ideal pet would be something that hates you intently and will turn on you at any moment, like a scorpion or something. That and they [dogs] allegedly prevent the Archangel Gabriel from entering yor house by their very presence. But notwishstanding the fact that that - along with the other tenents of Islam - is a load of made-up bullshit, I'd rather have my beloved hound than some imaginary winged nonce any day of the week.
Luckily for us, the British public, this idea, even for Mr. Galloway is so ludicrously mental that it won't get past the laughing-so-hard-that-you wet-yourself stage.
Have a look at gsdrescue.co.uk and see what the bastards are doing to this most loyal of creatures and the RSPCA are doing nothing at all about it.
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