His Islamonaziness King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia was today greeted by ex 'Turban of Death' holder, HRH Prince Charlie, on his visit to the United Kingdom. Charlie sees the visit as an integral part of his quest to be accepted as the official representative of Islam in the United Kingdom.
Topics that weren't on the agenda for discussion included women's rights (women aren't even allowed to drive in Saudi), Homosexuality (a big no, no in Saudi - if you want to keep your head attached to your shoulders) and religion (other than Islam, of course). Charlie has felt drawn towards Islam ever since he realised that being Muslim meant he would be allowed to beat his disobedient wives (surah 4:34).
His Islamonaziness is ranked number 5 in the 'World's Worst Dictator' list and has won several Groucho Marx lookalike competitions.