Monday, 13 August 2007

Happy Birthday! Here's to Another 60 Years of Self-Inflicted Poverty!

Pakistan celebrates 60 years of Islamic terrorism this week. Having gained independence from India in 1947 the country has been a role model for Islamic states worldwide ever since. Murder, rape, corruption and almost every human rights abuse known to mankind has helped Pakistan become recognised as a state that really does follow the true principles of Islam.

Whereas India has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, Pakistan's main export is death and misery via its state sponsored terrorist training camps in the northern border region.

An attempt had been made by the West to introduce a thing called 'fun' into Pakistani society but Mad Mullahs quickly pointed out that this was a totally unIslamic concept and would therefore not be tolerated. "The West is evil..." said one such Mullah, "...these dogs think they can turn peaceful and tolerant Muslims away from the glory of killing but they underestimate how easy it is for people like me to manipulate them".

To celebrate the 60th birthday it has been decided by the country's religious leaders to throw a big party. Although laughter will be strictly forbidden, hysterical displays of satisfaction will be permitted on completion of the main event...the main event being the stoning to death of several women who allowed themselves to be raped...coincidentally, these will also be the only women allowed to attend the celebrations... "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar" uttered the 'dumb', one-handed thief as he feasted on yesterday's leftover cockroach...isn't he just!


AstroJew said...

Pakistan had always been an Islamonazi state. It's quite hrd to believe that Pakistan is even worse than the Arab States.

Anonymous said...

Pakistanis are living proof of the 'missing link'! Maybe one day they will evolve into decent human beings....although I very much doubt it.

Anonymous said...

India's got a whole heap of problems, let's not pretend it hasn't, but Pakistan could so easily've been right up there if it hadn't gone down the Islam route, which always - always - is a cancer to culture, economy, human rights, democracy &c.
Pakistan is lost (it was lost ages ago). It's irredeemable. It's also where al-Qaeda mostly train and operate, sending mixed-up genocidal shitheels over the border to murder and main our boys and girls. So just why is it that Britain hasn't got an embargo on Pakistan? Why is it that British 'Asians' travel freely to and from Pakistan still? I'm not saying a state of war should exist between us, but by god, it shouldn't be this lenient.
Nice Lavi picture astrojew. Nifty-looking bird. Shame it got cancelled. Are you in the IAF?

AstroJew said...

infidelsakwayswin - no, just like Fighter Planes.

Anonymous said...

islam is a cult. its pure black magic at work. it is a idea which hijacks faith. it takes advantage of the fact that beliefs are most real when they are blind. it blinds the human mind. it cripples the human thought process. it does not permit/allow a thinking human mind to think beyond what "allah" wants him to think. the only purpose of women in islam is to produce "muslim" men. islam wants to reverse the world system by reversing the human mind. while most world languages are written left to right, islamlic languages are written right to left. just an example. islam is terror at work. only a extremist mindset can subjugate/eliminate it. it clearly advocates killing non muslims and expand by sword. there can be no talks or discussion or negotiation with islam. its like a virus which takes over the operating system called the human mind. any muslim thinks himself to be a muslim first then a human. what a divisive school of thought. only solution is to eliminate all muslims and every trace of islam and all of its literature from root. you leave one muslim alive and 1000 years hence it will be back where it is today.

poor taslima nasrin is not able to speak the truth. she witnessed mass murder of hindu minority in a muslim majority bangladesh but cant speak about it. kill this cult.

the prophet really needed peace to be upon him but its too late now because he is already up there apparently enjoying virgins and calling others there.

Anonymous said...

Thats why we'll lose infidelsalwayswin because unless force is met with bigger force the most cmmitted win. Its going to cost the West dear until we grasp that simple fact.

Anonymous said...

'I can't condone that. That's genocide. You'd better come up with another solution becasue that makes you sound as bad as them.

you can never be as bad as islam. islam is beyond bad. its pure evil.

you either dominate islam or it will dominate you. you either eliminate islam or it will eliminate you. you either terrorize islam or it will terrorize you. islam practices this in thought, word and action.

mohammed was a clearly a psycho. during his rare normal human behaviour, he used to preach about his psycho experiences like what allah's message was. mohammed was an abnormal human being bent upon proving that he was perfectly normal. islam is the outcome.

islam is the outcome of a frustrated agitated schizophrenic sex-maniac ................ called mohammed. you cant expect islam to be any different than what it is today.

creating this cult was mohammed's destiny. he did it. kalki will take the corrective action.