Ever wondered how Muslim girls are treated by their own parents? Well it's all being explained at the inquest of 17 year old Shafilea Ahmed. Despite begging her local authority to save her from being taken to Pakistan and married off, shafelia was forced to endure many months of abuse from her parents which ended with her decomposing body being found on a Cumbrian riverbank.Her parents, Ifitkar and Farzana, both deny any form of abuse and claim they are normal loving parents. However, in a personal statement written by the schoolgirl, as part of an effort to apply for accommodation away from her parents' home, Shafilea said:"I had saved £2,000 which they took out of my bank account. "My parents are going to send me to Pakistan and I'll be married to someone and left there."
"There had been a build-up of violence towards me, and my mother told me I was about to go to Pakistan for an arranged* marriage."
"My mother had started to pack and my parents had been in to school to inform them we were going to Pakistan."
In 2003, Shafilea was taken to Pakistan to be married off to another member of the family (it is the Islamic way). She became so distressed at the prospect of being forced into such a disgusting arrangement that she even attempted suicide by drinking bleach.
A short time after Shafilea returned from Pakistan, she vanished but was not reported missing by her parents. Instead, it was her teachers at Great Sankey High School who informed the authorities of her disappearance.
A close schoolfriend, who wished to remain anymous, stated that Shafilea had told her that she wished to marry somebody who she was not related to. This apparently enraged her father who was desparate to stay true to the islamic tradition of interbreeding.
Shafilea's murdering father has been described as 'smug and content' throughout the inquest.
* Top UK Jew hater Herr Dr Abdul Bari of the Muslim Council of Nazis prefers to describe them as 'assisted' marriages and has already stated that he feels Non Muslims in the UK could 'benefit greatly' from its implementation into British culture. Call me old fashioned but I prefer the traditional type of marriage where neither party ends up dead.
I guess this is yet more proof that there will never be peace in the world until Muslims learn to love their own children more than they hate everybody elses.